Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions & School Information

 How do I ensure that I receive important phone calls and emails from the school?

Information calls will be sent to the phone number and email you have provided on your child's enrollment papers. Be sure to update them if needed.

Volunteering at OB Elementary School

We encourage family involvement and one of the ways to get involved is to volunteer. Volunteers must fill out an application and complete a TB survey. Please note, according to district policy you must complete the volunteer procedure to chaperone a field trip.

When is information such as flyers and newsletters generally sent home with students?

Each child has been given a Take-Home folder by our PTA for information requiring parent signatures or from the PTA. OBE sends the majority of fliers electronically through the Peach Jar application. To ensure you receive electronically generated flyers please ensure we have your correct email address when you register your child. Also, please ensure you sign up for Konstella to receive news from the school and your child's classroom.

What if I am late to bring my child to school?

School starts with our morning assembly at 7:45 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m. If you know you are going to be late, please accompany your child into the office to ensure a tardy slip is completed. We are required by the district to ask the reason your child is late. We realize that emergencies do happen in the morning, but encourage families to make sure students are on time on a regular basis.

What happens if my child is absent?

Call our office promptly to report your child's absence. Illness, medical appointments, and certain family emergencies are excused absences. Children who are ill more than 3 days may require a medical excuse. Family vacations and special events are not excused. Please note that if you do not contact the school regarding a reason for absence your child after 5 days, your child will be dropped from enrollment.

What is the district attendance and tardy policy?

We can't stress enough the importance of good attendance! Our motto for good attendance is: “In line, on time, every day!” Our data indicates that children who have excellent attendance generally perform better. Excused absences are for medical and bereavement purposes only. It is difficult for your child and disruptive for the entire class and your teacher when your child is tardy. In the event of an illness or flu-like symptoms, we do encourage you to call the office immediately at 858-988-2300 to verify the reason for your child's absence.

What if I am late to pick up my child after school?

Be sure to contact our office promptly at 858-988-2300 so we know you are on your way! We want to ensure your child waits safely in the office. As our office is very busy, we are are unable to provide child care. Office hours end at 3:45 p.m.

You Can Never Have Enough Emergency Contacts!

Please be sure to list as many emergency contacts as possible for your child and update them as needed. In the event of an emergency, you'll want to make sure you have approved friends and family to pick up children. No child will be released unless the contact name has been provided for our office. A picture identification will be required.

Breakfast, Healthy Snacks, & Lunch

You may wish to send a water bottle with your child along with their healthy snack for morning nutrition during recess.
Breakfast is served from 7:15 - 7:30 a.m. Every child can enjoy a free breakfast and lunch here every day at OBE. No paperwork is required!
The website provides information about our cafeteria program, and menus.

Bike Safety

Students in 4th grade may ride their bikes to school without parent supervision. Grades K-3 must be accompanied by an adult. All students must wear a helmet and lock their bikes.

Administration of Medication

Children may not bring medication of any type to school.
Parents whose children need daily prescription medication or are required to have emergency medication at school must bring a Physician's Recommendation for Medication (available in our office). Once your physician has completed the form and they are brought or faxed to our office, our health technician, Anna Stepanof and district nurse will be able to complete a medical intake to administer certain types of medicine to your child.

Primetime and Character Builders Childcare

Our programs are sponsored by the Peninsula YMCA. Our Primetime program fills up very quickly. Enrollment is based on need and compliance to the YMCA attendance policy. Families are contacted when they have been selected for an available opening. Children who apply but are not enrolled will be placed on a wait list. Character Builders is our other after school care program, and is fee based. 

After School Enrichment Programs

OBE has a variety of fee based enrichment programs throughout the year, including soccer, chess, Spanish, basketball, and others. All after school classes must be approved through the district Facilities Department. New classes will be added throughout the year.

Combination Grades at OB

If you are new to O.B. you may not know how we set up our combination classes. Our combos are never remedial classes. Our combination teachers are experienced, have high expectations, and are experts at building positive learning communities. Our teachers select children very carefully for these classes. Students in the lower combination grade (i.e. 1st in the 1-2 combination) are high achievers (or very capable) and are most often reading at the next grade level above. Students in the upper grade (i.e. 2nd in the 1-2 combination) are strong, independent workers. All students receive instruction at their instructional point of need and our teachers exchange students during language arts, math, social studies, and science to make sure they receive grade level curriculum. If you have questions about your child in a combination class, please don't hesitate to ask!

Parking Safety

For the safety of all of our children, do not leave your car unattended in the white or red zones. We encourage our students to walk, or arrive early for a parking space. Parking is available in several areas on surrounding streets. DO NOT DOUBLE PARK OR PARK IN THE BUS ZONE as you may receive a ticket from SDPD! Accidents happen so quickly, please be safe and take care of our children and one another. Volunteer parents will assist with student drop off on Santa Monica. These are your fellow parents who want to make sure all of our precious students are safe. Please be kind, thank them and offer to volunteer to help.

Parent Information Packets

Our packets will be sent home the first week of school. You'll have many things to sign and return to school. You'll also want to sign up as a parent volunteer for our exciting E.A.C.H. initiative. In the meantime, we do ask that you come into our office if you have changed your phone number(s), or have a new address (provide paperwork), new legal or custody paperwork signed by a judge, or wish to add new contact adults who can pick up your child. You may also email information to our administrative assistant Socorro Robles, [email protected]. She will contact you if there are questions.

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